
Civil Litigation

Conflict naturally arises, but when it becomes a legal issue, you need a knowledgeable attorney who can guide you through the process of a civil suit. Here at Leavy Schultz Davis our civil litigators are experienced and ready to help.

Civil litigation is the process of settling legal disputes that fall outside the range of criminal law. Our attorneys are skilled at creating the perfect strategy for your case’s negotiation, settlement, and/or trial. We understand the complex nature of these matters and our civil litigators will provide the right counsel to achieve a satisfactory end. Leavy Schultz Davis can handle a wide array of civil suits and these include:

  • Medical Malpractice– Our attorneys know how to get you what you’re entitled to as a victim of a medical professional’s negligence.
  • Personal Injury– P.I. encompasses a wide variety of situations, but our attorneys can plan a strategy for you to maneuver making and defending your claim.
  • Construction- We work with owners, developers, and contractors to design the best approach to tackle a claim on disputes surrounding projects.
  • Corporate– Companies may come into conflict regarding their construction, as well as merging and acquiring other assets. Leavy Schultz Davis’ corporate litigators can find ways to settle these disputes while protecting your business.
  • Class Action- Our litigators can help guide along the formation of a class, and the necessary steps to achieve a settlement for all involved.
  • Employment- If you’ve been wrongfully terminated, discriminated against, or have dealt with unsafe work environments then our attorneys may be able to help you form and press a claim.
  • Probate/Estate– We can design estate plans that leave little room for contest, but if one arises, we are prepared to defend your claim in probate.
  • Real Estate– If your property or interest is in peril due to a dispute in the acquisition, prevailing interests, or use, then our attorneys can help you protect and press your claim.
  • Wage Conflicts- The attorneys at Leavy Schultz Davis know how to create the best strategy for a suit against an employer who is wrongfully compensating workers.

Connect with Leavy Schultz Davis for your personal consultation.

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